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Gorgeous Images To Look At When Im Older | Boudoir Tampa Bay

Here is Miss H’s answers to our questions about her session:

Q: Why did you do your boudoir shoot?

A: I wanted to feel empowered and have some gorgeous images to look at when I’m old. Recent divorce and two small kids left me struggling to find myself. Wanted to do something just for me!

Q: What was your favorite part of the session?

A: The way I felt about myself after seeing my hair and makeup and the first few photos. I looked so happy I barely recognized myself.

Q: What did doing this shoot do for your self confidence, self worth, and self image? Tell me your story.

A: I hold my head up a little higher and know I can face challenges head on because I am strong, beautiful, and capable. I am not settling for being treated like less.

Q: Was your experience what you were expecting? If not, how was it different?

A: It was even better than I’d imagined! I have followed your page for years and felt like I already knew you, I think that helped a lot with the nerves.

Q: What was the best part of your experience? Would you change anything?

A: Feeling so great during and after. I was a little nervous at first. I didn’t like the way one outfit looked on camera and wish I’d gotten to see a few of the first images to see if I wanted to continue using it. It was pretty but maybe not the correct outfit for some of the specific poses. it could have been adjusted slightly to prevent rolls in my skin. The other best part has been watching people’s reactions when they see my photos! I love sharing them!

Q: What changes in yourself have you noticed since your session?

A: More confidence and being more ok with myself and my body, eating healthier and doing yoga to find balance and energy to feel good inside and out.