Left Feeling Beautiful | Tampa Maternity Boudoir

Q) Why did you do your boudoir shoot?

A) Recently had a mid life baby and just wasn’t feeling beautiful…and Patty totally changed that!! Left feeling beautiful and empowered ❤️

Q) What was your favorite part of the session?

A) Everything!! Loved every minute of it!!

Q) What did doing this shoot do for your self confidence, self worth, and self image? Tell me your story.

A)All of the above were impacted and then some!! Completely empowering!! I have been preaching to every one of my girlfriends to do it!! At least once🔥

Q) Was your experience what you were expecting? If not, how was it different?

A) It was more than I could have imagined!! Y far one of the best things I have ever done for myself

Q) What was the best part of your experience? Would you change anything?

A) Wouldn’t change a single thing ❤️ Perfection

Q) What changes in yourself have you noticed since your session?

A) I feel beautiful, attractive, sexy, confident, and empowered… dangerous combination 🤣